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the Universe, and all that icky stuff that comes with it.

the Mundanity of Esoterism, or Esoterrically Mundane


One Foot firmly in the Astral Plane,

while Floating @ here on the ground.

Man/Life: Text

Man vs. Nature


 Gallery 1


i have a pretty cool oil painting of the tree and fence photo in the works.

Man vs. Nature ( Gallery 2 )

i just found these in my JPEG pile.
i guess the idea is, since we are going to have a lot more trash around,
we might as well look for the beauty in it.
It's a kind of passive/aggressive protest.


Gallery 1

Man/Life: Portfolio

some more maybe pertinent



Gallery 2

Paintings (Gallery 2)

i really should be more investigative in my photography of the "Human Condition".

i guess i just don't want to spend any more time with people than i have to.


Luckily, i can grapple with it in my studio alone.

Some Paintings about Recovery

in my case, it was near death, and definitely a re-awakening, if not a rebirth, experience.

There are many other pieces i've done about Recovery that i will put in here as i retrieve them from my library

Suffice it to say, my journey has afforded me a very palpable spiritual experience,

and those experiences continue for me on a daily basis.

For that i am truly grateful.

i've come to believe my Higher Power would have me use my art to help people who are struggling.

To maybe communicate even the smallest glimmer of Hope

to people in Desperation.


i've been there. i did that. i got the T-shirt.

Time's Up; Darkness into Light

i don't know who did this, but a man in Recovery asked me to do a painting of it for him.

It is called "Time's Up; Darkness into Light" ( i think )
It was the basis for the "i came to" painting above.

"I came to" is part of the second step in most 12 step programs:
"I came to Believe a Power Greater than Myself could Restore me to Sanity."
i flipped the perspective around to make the image more direct,
and included a figure to make it more empathetic to the viewer.
The "window" in my painting is actually Holographic Paper, so it changes color as you move around the painting, and i used iridescent inks that also change with the light. The main body of the painting is on crumpled flat black paper, signifying the emptiness of active addiction.
Once i have a print of the painting i am happy with,
i'll donate copies to meeting sites i attend, as a way of "giving back what was so freely given me".

if you think any of these "recovery" prints might be of help to you or someone you know, please contact me.
Part of the "Grand Plan" is to be helpful.

Man/Life: Portfolio
Man/Life: Portfolio
Man/Life: Portfolio
Man/Life: Portfolio
Man/Life: Portfolio
Man/Life: Musings & Thoughts

next we move towards a kind of design of space

Man/Life: Text
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